花柳 大日翠(はなやぎ おおひすい)


Recipient of the 24th JTCF Award for 2020
HANAYAGI ŌHISUI (Japanese Classical Dance)



[花柳 大日翠 プロフィール]

1984年 岡山市生まれ
2000年 花柳寿南海に師事
2006年3月 東京芸術大学音楽学部邦楽科日本舞踊専攻卒業、学内にて常英賞受賞
2007年1月 新春舞踊大会・大会賞受賞「常磐津 三ツ面子守」
2008年1月 新春舞踊大会・大会賞受賞「清元 傀儡師」
2009年1月 新春舞踊大会・文部科学大臣奨励賞受賞「清元 流星」
2012年4月 リサイタル「踊る大日翠」(日本橋劇場・東京)
2012年〜 「踊る!大日翠」「踊ろう!!大日翠」主宰
2014年10月 福武文化奨励賞受賞
2014年〜 お茶の水女子大学文教育学部非常勤講師(日本舞踊実習)
2015年〜 岡山大学教養教育科目非常勤講師(日本舞踊入門)
2016年1月 山陽新聞奨励賞受賞
2016年10月 岡山きもの文化人(岡山県知事賞)
2017年9月 岡山大学ティーチングアワード優秀教育賞受賞
2018年10月 高坂希太郎監督 映画「若おかみは小学生!」/神楽振付/全国映画館で上演
2018年10月 NPO法人キッズファン主催「子どものためのJazz festival」/振付・出演/六本木ヒルズアリーナ・東京
2019年6月 日本舞踊協会主催新作公演「檜☆男(ぴのきお)」/主演/国立劇場小劇場・東京
2020年10月 第17回マルセンスポーツ・文化賞 文化特別賞受賞


2012年〜17年 東京都・アーツカウンシル東京・芸団協主催「キッズ伝統芸能体験」/講師・プロ実演演目「雪月花」振付出演
2017年〜 アーツカウンシル東京主催・子供のための伝統文化・芸能体験事業講師
2017年7月 国立劇場主催「親子で楽しむ日本舞踊」/司会/国立劇場小劇場・東京
2018年7月 国立劇場主催「親子で楽しむ日本舞踊」/司会・振付・出演/国立劇場小劇場・東京

岡山大学 日本舞踊講師、お茶の水女子大学 日本舞踊講師、東京都・学校アウトリーチワークショップ講師、「踊る大日翠」「踊ろう大日翠」主宰。

Reasons for award:

Hanayagi Ōhisui was born into a family of practitioners of Japanese classical dance and was initiated into the art under her mother’s direction at a very early age. She gained accreditation in the Hanayagi school of dance as a natori at the age of seventeen. After becoming apprenticed to her idol Hanayagi Toshinami and developing rapidly under her teacher’s benign influence, she voraciously absorbed the essence of Japanese classical dance. Her studies soon bore fruit and she was awarded prizes at the prestigious New Year’s Dance Competition sponsored by the Japanese Classical Dance Association on consecutive occasions, thus becoming a major focus of attention in the world of Japanese classical dance with great hopes held out for her future career. In addition to her activities as a performer she has made a major contribution to conveying the appeal and artistic value of Japanese classical dance through her work as a university lecturer in the fields of the practice and theory of the genre and her presentation of lectures and workshops throughout Japan.
Hanayagi Ōhisui is an outstanding talent who is able with consummate skill to express the profound and rich artistry of this genre of dance while maintaining the lightness bequeathed to her by her teacher. She can also be expected to play a major role henceforth as a performer with the capacity to ensure a bright future for the art of Japanese classical dance.

Short biography of Hanayagi Ōhisui

1984: Born in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture. Began studying Japanese classical dance under her mother from an early age, and subsequently continued her studies under the direction of the Living National Treasure Hanayagi Toshinami.
2006: Graduated in Japanese Classical Dance from the Department of Traditional Japanese Music in the Faculty of Music of Tokyo University of the Arts. Awarded the university’s Jōei Prize as a fourth-year student.
2009: Awarded the Encouragement Prize of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology at the New Year’s Dance Competition sponsored by the Japanese Classical Dance Association.
2014: Awarded the Fukutake Cultural Encouragement Prize.
2016: Awarded the Sanyō Shimbun Encouragement Prize and the Okayama Prefectural Governor’s Prize as ‘Okayama Kimono Cultural Personality’.
2017: Awarded the Prize for Educational Excellence in the Okayama University Teaching Awards.
2020: Awarded the Special Culture Prize in the 17th Marusen Sports and Culture Awards.

Career highlights

2010: Choreographed and produced ‘Dancing Home Electronics Series: Washing Machines’ at Kitazawa Town Hall in Tokyo.
2011: Choreographed ‘Kaguya’ from Taketori Monogatari (National Theatre Tokyo, Small Hall).
2012: Choreographed ‘Hashire Melos’ based on the story by Dazai Osamu (National Theatre Tokyo, Small Hall). Presented a recital entitled ‘Ōhisui Dances’ at the Nihombashi Theatre in Tokyo.
2012-2017: Instructor at the ‘Tokyo Municipal Kids Traditional Performing Arts Workshop’.
Since 2017: Instructor in the Practice of Traditional Culture and the Performing Arts for Children project sponsored by Arts Council Tokyo.
2018: Choreographed for the animation movie Waka okami wa shōgakusei! (The Young Proprietress is a Primary School Pupil!). Choreographed and performed at the Children’s Jazz Festival held at the Roppongi Hills Arena in Tokyo. Presented, choreographed and performed at the ‘Japanese Classical Dance for Enjoyment by Parents and Children’ event at the Small Hall of the National Theatre in Tokyo.
2019: Starred in Pinocchio at the Small Hall of National Theatre in Tokyo.

Hanayagi Ōhisui is an instructor in Japanese classical dance at Okayama University and Ochanomizu Women’s University, instructor at the Tokyo Metropolitan Schools Outreach Workshop, and director of her own schools of Japanese classical dance (Odoru Ōhisui and Odorō Ōhisui).




池間 北斗



花柳 大日翠



萩岡 松柯



新内 多賀太夫



菊央 雄司



川瀬 露秋



佐辺 良和



山村 若



豊竹 呂勢大夫

《人形浄瑠璃文楽 太夫》


清元 栄吉

《清元節 三味線方》


山本 泰太郎

《能楽師 狂言方 大蔵流》


大和 櫻笙

《大和楽 三味線方》


遠藤 千晶



松永 忠次郎



十世 片山 九郎右衛門



藤舎 呂英



今藤 長龍郎



亀井 広忠



藤井 昭子



善養寺 惠介



山登 松和



鶴澤 津賀寿



清元 美治郎



二代 米川 敏子



杵屋 直吉

